© 2017, Omar El Housni, All Rights Reserved

Omar El Housni


Assistant Professor


© 2023, Omar El Housni, All Rights Reserved

I am an assistant professor at Cornell Tech and in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University. I am a Graduate Field Member in Operations Research and Applied Mathematics at Cornell. I received my PhD in Operations Research from Columbia University where my advisor was Vineet Goyal. Before that, I graduated from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) with an MS and BS in Applied Mathematics.


I am broadly interested in decision-making under uncertainty where I aim to develop optimization models and algorithms to address a wide-range of operational problems. My  research focuses on the design of robust and efficient algorithms for  dynamic optimization problems under uncertainty. I am particularly interested in  revenue management problems such as assortment optimization and online matchings. My current research is supported by National Science Foundation (NSF).






- Upcoming talks at: MSOM (Minneapolis, July 1), IPCO (Wroclaw Poland, July 4), RMP (Los Angeles, July 16), ISMP (Montreal, July 23).


-I will be giving a talk at Amazon MOP seminars in Bellevue (WA) on April 8.


-I am co-organizing a workshop on Combinatorial Optimization for Online Platforms at Banff International Research Station (Canada).


-Two new papers accepted at IPCO 2024


-Two manuscripts online: Maximum Load Assortment Optimization and Placement Optimization of Substitutable Products


-I had the honor of serving on the jury as a senior coordinator for the Algebra problems at the International Math Olympiad 2023 in Japan.


- I'm thrilled to have received two 2023 teaching awards voted on by Cornell students: the Cornell Tech "Students Choice Award" and the ORIE "Graduate Outstanding Instructor Award". Thanks to all my students.





Two-sided Assortment Optimization: Adaptivity Gaps and Approximation Algorithms

with Alfredo Torrico and Ulysse Hennebelle


A preliminary conference version is accepted to IPCO 2024


Placement Optimization of Substitutable Products

with Rajan Udwani

Major revision in Management Science


Maximum Load Assortment Optimization: Approximation Algorithms and Adaptivity Gaps

with Marouane Ibn Brahim and Danny Segev

Major revision in Operations Research


Assortment Optimization with Visibility Constraints

with Theo Barre, Marouane Ibn Brahim, Andrea Lodi and Danny Segev

A preliminary conference version is accepted to IPCO 2024 (authored by the subset of authors: Barre, El Housni and Lodi).

Selected for presentation in the MSOM Supply Chain Management SIG, 2024


Assortment and Price Optimization under an Endogenous Context-Dependent Multinomial Logit Model

with Yicheng Bai, Paat Rusmevichientong and Huseyin Topaloglu

Major revision in Management Science


Coordinated Inventory Stocking and Assortment Personalization

with Yicheng Bai, Paat Rusmevichientong and Huseyin Topaloglu

Minor revision in Operations Research

Selected for presentation in the MSOM Supply Chain Management SIG, 2023


Matchings Drivers to Riders: A Two-stage Robust Approach

with Oussama Hanguir, Vineet Goyal and Clifford Stein

Major revision in Operations Research


Joint Assortment and Inventory Planning for Heavy Tailed Demand

with Omar Mouchtaki, Guillermo Gallego, Vineet Goyal, Salal Humair, Ali Sadighian, Sangjo Kim and Jingchen Wu

Major revision in Management Science



Journal publications


LP-based Approximations for Disjoint Bilinear and Two-Stage Adjustable Robust Optimization

with Ayoub Foussoul and Vineet Goyal

Math Programming, 2023


Joint Assortment Optimization and Customization under a Mixture of Multinomial Logit Models: On the Value of Personalized Assortments

with Huseyin Topaloglu

Operations Research, 2023

Selected for presentation in the MSOM Supply Chain Management SIG, 2022

Video from Cornell CAM/ORIE seminars


Fluid Approximations for Revenue Management under High-Variance Demand

with Yicheng Bai, Billy Jin, Paat Rusmevichientong, Huseyin Topaloglu and David Williamson

Management Science, 2023.

Accepted to Fast Track in Management Science


On the Optimality of Affine Policies for Budgeted Uncertainty Sets

with Vineet Goyal

Math of Operations Research, 2021.

2nd place in the 2020 George Nicholson student paper competition.

Video BIRS workshop "Models and Algorithms for Sequential Decision Problems under Uncertainty", Banff 2019.


A Tractable Approach for Designing Piecewise Affine Policies in Two-Stage Adjustable Robust  Optimization

with Aharon Ben-Tal and Vineet Goyal

Math Programming, 2020.


Piecewise Static Policies for Two-stage Adjustable Robust Linear Optimization

with Vineet Goyal

Math Programming, 2018.

Finalist in the 2015 INFORMS Undergraduate OR student paper competition.


Refereed conference publications


Assortment Optimization with visibility constraints

with Theo Barre and Andrea Lodi

To appear in IPCO 2024


Adaptivity Gaps in Two-sided Assortment Optimization

with Alfredo Torrico and Ulysse Hennebelle.

To appear in IPCO 2024


LP-based Approximations for Disjoint Bilinear and Two-Stage Adjustable Robust Optimization

with Ayoub Foussoul and Vineet Goyal

IPCO 2022


Matchings Drivers to Riders: A Two-stage Robust Approach

with Oussama Hanguir, Vineet Goyal and Clifford Stein



On the Power of Static Assignment Policies for Robust Facility Location Problems

with Vineet Goyal and David Shmoys

IPCO 2021

Video Robust Optimizaiton Webinar


Beyond Worst-case: A Probabilistic Analysis of Affine Policies in Dynamic Optimization

with Vineet Goyal

NeurIPS 2017 (Spotlight).

Spotlight video

Reports on COVID-19 Pandemic


Real-time Iterative Assortment Allocation Estimation. Amazon Research

with D.Bhatia, S.Humair, V.Jain, G.Li, J.Marasanapalle, A.Sadighian, and J.Wu

(Patent Pending)




My thesis


Instructor, Cornell Tech

Optimization for Revenue Management, ORIE 7391, PhD, Spring 2024

Pricing analytics and revenue management, ORIE 5132 graduate, Spring 2023

Optimization under uncertainty: robust and online models, ORIE 6360 PhD, Spring 2022

Modeling under uncertainty, ORIE 5530 graduate, Fall 2021, 2022, 2023

Business applications of optimization, ORIE 5250 graduate, Summer 2021

Service systems and online markets, ORIE 5132 graduate, Spring 2021


Teaching Assistant, Columbia IEOR

Optimization, IEOR 6613 PhD

Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management, IEOR 4601 graduate

Simulation, IEOR 3404 undergraduate

Advanced Optimization, IEOR 3609 undergraduate


Instructor, Columbia Science Honors Program

Introduction to Algorithms


Instructor, Mathematical Olympiad

Head coach and instructor of the Moroccan International Mathematical Olympiad team at IMO 2019, Bath UK.

(My experience at IMO on Youtube)




Cornell Tech

2 E Loop Road

New York, NY 10044


Email: oe46 At cornell Dot edu